Objective To study the construction of a new artificial reflex pathway, abdominal reflex-spinal cord center-bladder and explore the possibility of controlling urination by regeneration of somatic motor nerve into parasympathetic nerve. 目的利用腹壁反射建立腹壁体神经-脊髓中枢-膀胱神经传导通路,探讨躯体运动神经纤维长入副交感神经纤维后支配膀胱逼尿肌产生可控性排尿的可能性。
The parasympathetic postganglionic neurons were found in the pelvic nerve and cloacal ganglion. 副交感节后神经元位于盆神经和泄殖腔神经节内。
The parasympathetic preganglionic neurons are located in the ambiguous nucleus, dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve and reticular formation between the two above nuclei. 副交感神经节前神经元位于延髓内的疑核、迷走神经背侧运动核和上述两核之间的网状结构。
The effect cn the parasympathetic nerve of the submandibular glands in rats by sympathetic denervation or section of the sympathetic preganglionic fibres 去交感神经或断节前纤维对大鼠颌下腺副交感神经的影响
Objective: To test a new hypothesis that insulin, but not IGF-1, triggers the hepatic parasympathetic nerve reflex. 目的:为了检验一个新的学说:是胰岛素而不是胰岛素样生长因子(IGF-1)激活肝脏副交感神经反射。
It thus suggests that under the parasympathetic blockade, LFP in power spectrum can objectively be used as a quantitative marker of peripheral sympathetic nerve activities. 因此,在阻断副交感神经的条件下,血压功率谱低频峰可以客观、定量地反映阻力血管的交感神经活动水平。
This study suggests that the cortex and medulla of thymus are innervated by parasympathetic cholinergic nerve fibers, which may regulate the thymocytes and mast cells. 作者认为,胸腺皮质和髓质都接受副交感的胆碱能神经纤维的支配,后者对胸腺细胞和肥大细胞等可能起调节作用。
This depression is mediated by parasympathetic nerve which originates from NA and innervates the thyroid. 由此认为,疑核与甲状腺之间存在机能联系,刺激疑核可引起甲状腺功能抑制,并且这种联系可能是由起源于疑核,支配甲状腺的副交感神经所介导的。
After the injection of TRH to the side of the ventricles of the brain, the ATP in the liver were increased obviously, but after adding of atropine which inhibits the parasympathetic nerve, shown a relation of dose-domino effect, this effect was not observed. 由侧脑室注入TRH,使肝脏中ATP含量显著增加,且呈剂量&效应关系.此作用由于副交感神经的阻断剂阿托品的加入而消失。
The primary sign was high parasympathetic nerve tension, but sinus arrest group, HRV level was decreased obviously with R-R interval prolong ( P < 0.01). 窦性心动过缓、窦房传导阻滞组病人的HRV指标上升,主要以迷走神经张力增高为主,而窦性停搏组随R-R间期延长HRV指标反而明显下降有非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。
Evaluation With Esophageal Cardiac Electrophysiology and 24 h Ambulatory Electrocardiogram and Prognosis of Sinoatrial Node and Atrioventricular Node Dysfunction Caused by Parasympathetic Nerve 食管心电生理对照动态心电图评估植物神经所致窦房结和房室结功能不全及其预后
Conclusion The results suggest that dle effect of parasympathetic nerve activity on atrioventricular node function is larger than that of sinoatrial node. 结论提示迷走神经对房室结功能影响大于对窦房结功能影响。
The aim of this study is to explore the role of peripheral parasympathetic nerve in it. 本研究的目的在于探讨副交感神经在其中所起的作用。
Conclusion: M wave might be the response of the body that was efferent by the parasympathetic nerve of the heart. The constant existence of M wave in ICP might be the poor prognosis. 结论:M波可能是机体在颅高压状态下,由副交感神经系统反射而产生的反应,其持续存在提示预后不良。
The genital organ is innervated by autonomic and somatic nerve. The former is both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve and the later is comprised by sensory and motor fibers. 支配生殖器官的外周神经包括植物神经和躯体神经,前者又分为交感神经和副交感神经,后者分为运动神经和感觉神经。
The affection of insulin and igf-ⅰ in hepatic parasympathetic nerve reflex 胰岛素与胰岛素样生长因子在肝脏副交感神经反射中的作用
Conclusion: The somatic motor axons can regenerate into the parasympathetic endoneurial tubes of autonomic nerve. 结论:体神经的运动传出支通过轴突再生能够长入自主神经的副交感性纤维,并具有良好的传导运动兴奋的功能;
Conclusions: It may be that long fast pathway ERP is caused by the tension of parasympathetic nerve raised. 结论:长快径ERP可能是迷走神经张力过高所致。
Conclusions: Autonomic neuropathy exists in most of the diabetic patients with dyspepsia, whose impairment of parasympathetic nerve function is greater than that of sympathetic nerve function. 结论:糖尿病消化不良患者有明显的自主神经功能异常,其中副交感神功能受损更为明显,且近端胃感觉阈值减低,适应性舒张功能减退。
Conclusion Sympathetic nerve function is damaged in hypertensive patients with normal pulse pressures, while both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve functions are damaged in hypertensive patients with high pulse pressures. 结论高血压患者自主神经功能均有不同程度的损害,高血压正常脉压患者以交感神经功能损害为主,宽脉压患者交感和副交感神经功能均有明显损害。
Moreover these neurons located dorsal to the preganglionic neurons of parasympathetic nerve where the medial bladder afferent terminals located. 于交感中枢给予HRP后,在副交感中枢的背内侧发现有逆标的非胆碱能性神经元,且该神经元的所在部位正好位于膀胱的感觉末梢分布的部位。
Conclusion: Parasympathetic nerve activity is very important for the function of SAN and AVN. Esophageal cardiac electrophysiology and ambulatory ECG have great clinical significance in evaluating the SSS patients. 结论:迷走神经是影响窦房结、房室结功能的重要外源性因素,食管心电生理与24小时动态心电图对病态窦房结综合征的评估具有重要临床价值;
Conclusion: Anisodamine may play a role in therapy of the experimental nasal hypersensitivity with hyperfuction of parasympathetic nerve. 结论:以副交感神经兴奋为主的鼻超敏反应性疾病,经鼻给予山莨菪碱有一定治疗作用。
Conclusion Emergency training decreased HRV by exciting sympathetic nerve and inhibiting parasympathetic nerve. 结论应急训练使心脏交感神经兴奋,迷走神经抑制,心率变异性降低;
Recently, we have confirmed the low level of psoriatic patients 'sympathetic nerve excitability and parasympathetic nerve tension by applying the evoked HRV standard successive load method, which also indicates the general decrease in the autonomic nerve functions. 最近我们运用规范化负荷诱发性心率变异性(HRV)研究方法证实了银屑病患者的副交感神经张力不足和交感神经兴奋性低下,也即表现为自主神经功能全面降低。
Both atrial electrical remodeling and parasympathetic nerve take an important role in perpetuation of atrial fibrillation, More and more evidences suggest that atrial vagal denervation can reduce AF. 心房电重构和迷走神经在房颤的发生和维持中起着重要的作用,越来越多的证据表明心房去迷走神经可减少心房颤动的发生。
In DM patients, there was a disbalance in heart autonomic system, showing that the tension of sympathetic nerve was relatively increased while that of parasympathetic nerve comparatively decreased. 频域分析提示DM患者心脏自主神经系统失衡,交感神经张力相对增高,副交感神经活性相对降低;
The basic structure of the junction between parasympathetic nerve endings and bladder detrusor cells on the experimental side was similar to that on the control side. These features were not seen in the control group. 电镜下观察,实验侧膀胱平滑肌内可见到副交感神经末梢,其基本结构与对照侧类似,而在阴性对照组未发现有正常结构的副交感神经末梢。
By inhibiting or stimulating M3 receptor, the smooth muscle contraction and gland secretion can be controlled by effector cells which are located at postganglionic parasympathetic nerve fiber. 通过抑制或刺激M3受体可以控制由副交感神经节后纤维所支配的效应器细胞所在器官的平滑肌收缩和腺体分泌。